Masonry Lintels
For reinforcement of masonry and brick walls above window openings. The long helical bars span windows and other openings of up to 3.6m, subject to loading. The 6mm diameter twisted reinforcement rods are available in lengths of 1 metre and 6 metres and 9mm diameter 1 metre and 2metre lengths.
Two mortar beds, separated by 450-900mm are reinforced, each with a pair of stainless steel helical re-bars embedded into the wall with structural repair grout. The helical bars are extended 500mm each side of the opening.
The reinforced bed joints form tendons that represent the upper and lower flanges of a brick beam lintel. Utilising the surrounding masonry, one tendon carries compression and the other acts in tension. The reinforced brick lintel has a typical load carrying capacity of 2.6 tonne.